Another weekend away at one of our favourite sites. We stayed on-site all weekend, just relaxing as we were both recovering from a cold. Weather has been kind, no rain with spells of sunshine.
We decided to use the windbreak this trip, to see if it will be a worthy addition to our usual set-up routine. We quite liked it, it gives a little more privacy and helps the BBQ during windy spells! Just need to fix two of the poles, as the pointy ends have come off!
First time I have ever seen the lights by the wash block actually on, as I paid a late visit! It really is very nice, definitely worth a visit if you’ve never seen them.
Saturday got quite busy, with a party of 5 units all wanting to be next to each other, but by Sunday it was blissfully quiet again. Looking forward to next time.

- Date: 20th May 2022
- Nights: 3
- Pitch #: 54
- GPS: 54.568506, -1.286260